With credit of 50 €, you will receive 10 lessons, a 10 % discount on aromatherapy dōterra and on boutique purchases for the duration of credit. The credit cannot be used for the purchase of goods, private lessons and seminars. Possibility to buy credit at the studio reception.
Gift card
Possibility to purchase credit in a gift credit. Possibility to purchase a one-time voucher for the exercise or a course.
Voluntary financial gift (Dāna)
The amount of the gift is individual, each according to their life situation and possibilities.
The payment for the class visit can be paid for each class individually as drop-in payment or you can establish member’s credit.
The all payments for classes are considered as financial contributions and are intended for the functioning and fulfillment of the aim of civic association TVOJA JOGA.
The drop-in price is paid at the reception before the class or is applied by deduction from the charged credit.
Recharging the credit is only possible at the reception of the studio in cash or by payment via the QR code, for example before the booked exercise.
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Udalosti december
13.12. PIATOK o 18:15 | VIANOČNÁ SKY JOGA EURÓPA s Danielkou. Jóga a tibetské misky na 19. poschodí EURÓPA Business Center s pohľadom na vianočné mesto.
19.12. ŠTVRTOK o 19:15 | BALANCE JIN JÓGA s Monikou. Predĺžená 90 min relaxačná jinová jóga a posedenie pri čajíku v štúdiu Tvoja Joga.